Data-Driven "Transformative" Proposals

At DigiMarl, we offer highly accurate strategies and reports based on not only data, but also knowledge, experience, and track record. With data as our foundation, we propose various methods to address the reality challenges that emerges. Using statistical techniques, we can identify customer behavior patterns and needs, enabling us to launch more effective marketing strategies.

Three Approaches for Decision-Making

  • Cluster Analysis

    A technique that groups data with similar characteristics. It's used to group customers with similar attributes to deploy marketing strategies tailored to each target group.

  • Regression Analysis

    A method that examines the effect of one variable on others. It is used to investigate how advertising expenses influence sales, among other things.

  • Correlation Analysis

    A method to determine the degree of correlation among multiple variables. It's used to identify which variables influence customer behavior.

By using statistical techniques and corresponding methods,

we can understand customer behavior patterns and needs, and propose more effective marketing strategies.


By visualizing data, you can grasp vast amounts of data at a glance and make decisions smoothly. Here are some examples of techniques used in DigiMarl:

  • Histogram

    Expressing data in bar charts, used for understanding distribution of sales and such.

  • Scatter Plot

    Showing the relationship between two variables in a graph, used for understanding the relationship between advertising expenses and sales.

  • Bubble Chart

    A scatter plot that adds quantitative data and represents the size with bubble size.

Trend & Pattern Prediction

  • Time Series Analysis

    A method of analyzing past trends and patterns using time-series data and predicting future values. Typical methods include ARIMA, VAR, SES, etc.

  • Clustering

    A method of classifying data into similar groups. When predicting future values, the characteristics of each group are considered.

  • Neural Network

    A method of capturing complex relationships in data using a model consisting of numerous input layers, hidden layers, and output layers, and predicting future values.

Planning & Improving Creatives

  • Identifying Target Audience

    Analyze customer attributes and behavior patterns. For example, if it's determined that there is a particularly large female demographic, more effective advertising strategies can be deployed using messages and designs targeting women.

  • Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

    Compare different advertising designs and copies, for example, through A/B testing. Statistical hypothesis testing is used to determine which advertising design or copy is more effective.

  • Conjoint Analysis (Improving Creatives)

    A method of presenting combinations of various elements of products or services in random combinations and examining which combinations consumers choose. Understanding the optimal configuration allows for improvements in creatives.

  • Eye-Tracking

    A method of identifying improvements in advertising design by measuring eye movement. Understand where consumers are focusing their attention in an advertisement and reflect it in improving the effectiveness of advertising design.


As your strategic partner,

DigiMarl can handle everything from production to converting customers into loyal customers. We have received words of joy from many customers for our one-stop, flexible response.

Capable of Handling All Funnels from Production to Loyalty Conversion

High Customer Satisfaction

Examples of Supporting Achievements


By utilizing statistical methods,
we will continue to support our clients
by deploying more data-driven and accurate marketing strategies.