2021年3月16日にGoogle UK Search Summitが行われました。Googleが公式に今後のGoogle広告がどうなっていくのかについて発表したものです。




Google UK Search Summit解説】(前半)

今回は、Google UK Search Summitの後半を見ていきましょう。










そこで新しいAlphaGo Zeroは、初心者として3日間自分と対戦したところ早く上達し、3日後、AlphaGo Zeroは10万回の対局を行い、オリジナルのAlphaGoを100勝0敗で下しました。

そして、「Alpha Zero」と呼ばれるシステムを構築しました。このシステムは、人間の介入なしに複数のマルチプレイヤーゲームをプレイすることが可能になったのです。チェスのルール、将棋のルール、囲碁のルールが与えられ、ゲームなどで学習していきました。




囲碁プログラムAlpha Zeroによる機械学習の事例


Alpha Zeroのチェスの例で言えば、初心者が4時間でマスターになり、4時間後にはSSRをプレイしているというような学習が行われました。

その結果、Alpha ZeroがオープンソースのチェスエンジンであるStockfishを20対0で破ったのです。

つまり、史上最高のチェスプレイヤーは4時間かけて学習したグーグルのコンピュータ、Alpha Zeroなのです。





























さらに、ミクロとマクロのコンバージョントラッキングを行うことで、カスタマージャーニーのすべてのステップを把握することができます。 これを知るとユーザーがどこで離脱するのか、何が価値あるコンバージョンにつながるのかを見極めることができます。







例えば、”モンクレール ダウン 激安”としましょう。このキーワードを検証して、価値ベースのスマート入札戦略で最適化することで、ビジネスの成長と収益性を引き出すことができます。







Many people in the UK have heard about AlphaGo.

AlphaGo is an artificial intelligence Go program developed by Deepmind.

Four years ago, AlphaGo was able to beat the world’s best player, Lisa, in Go.

Go is an incredibly complex game, with more permutations than there are atoms in the universe, and it was thought that a computer would not be able to beat a human for decades to come.

However, after 100,000 games against professionals, AlphaGo has learned to play humans and defeated the world’s best professionals.

This caused a huge sensation and changed the field of machine learning forever.

However, some of you may not know what happened next.

The system did not actually have 100,000 games played by human players. The system did not have 100,000 games played by human players, it just told you to learn by yourself. We were given the rules of Go, but not the strategy.

So the new AlphaGo Zero played against itself for three days as a beginner and improved quickly, and after three days, AlphaGo Zero had played 100,000 games and beaten the original AlphaGo 100-0.

He then built a system called “Alpha Zero”. This system made it possible to play multiple multiplayer games without human intervention. The system was given the rules of chess, shogi, and go, and learned them through games.

Google has worked with many advertisers, but I would like to tell you all that the last year and a half has been the most exciting.

As of this go, Google has seen examples of amazing progress, and we’ve seen companies with already great capabilities improve the results they get from their investments in paid search even more dramatically.


Automating the Advertising System

・A Case Study of Machine Learning with the Go Program Alpha Zero

I’m going to share a few case studies with you and hope that you will do the same.

In the chess example of Alpha Zero, a beginner learned to become a master in 4 hours, and after 4 hours, he was playing SSR.

As a result, Alpha Zero defeated Stockfish, an open source chess engine, 20-0.

In other words, the best chess player of all time is Google’s Alpha Zero, a computer that took four hours to learn.

And just recently, DeepMind announced a new system called MuZero. This system is so good that it has the feature that it does not know the game itself.

Not knowing the game means that not only is no human strategy given, but no rules are given either.

Current machine learning is basically in the stage of learning to play multiple games without knowing the game you are playing.

Incidentally, in the last few years, machine learning capabilities have been doubling every four or five months, a 30,000-fold improvement in five years. It’s impossible to keep growing at this rate, but it’s still improving at a very fast pace.


・Google Ads Turning into “Self-Driving Cars”

From this case, we think that Google’s advertising system is moving towards “self-driving cars”.

While Google’s advertising has been great, it has been difficult to learn while driving. But now they are becoming more and more “self-driving cars”.

To really understand best practices, we need to think about them from a different perspective: not how to drive a sports car, but how to drive an automated car.
First, it is obvious to follow the recommended machine learning best practices, but most of us do much more.

In other words, Google’s advertising system is moving towards automation.

What about the actual content of the ads, and how good can they be made?

And in the future, will it be important to build an efficient and profitable business model?

It has been said that a good marketing strategy is one that uses automation to continuously improve efficiency.

The best practices for Google ads changing to automated vehicles are machine learning the right KPIs, the right data. It’s about giving it creative and human support.

So, let’s revisit an important framework. This can be divided into three stages.

The first stage is to properly handle the basic elements such as smart bidding. In this stage, it is important to implement the right conversion tracking, the right attribution strategy, and a smart automated bidding strategy that suits your business objectives.

The second step is to capture the market. With smart bidding in place, you can capture the search queries that are most relevant to your business. It also allows you to deliver the most relevant messages to users and consumers.

The third step is to uncover newsworthy opportunities. Now that you are ready for growth and have captured most of the search demand, you should dig deeper to find out what is working and invest more in those areas.

So, let’s talk about smart automated bidding, which is important in Google Ads, which is changing into an “automated vehicle” in this way.


Optimizing Smart Automated Bidding

・Value-Based Bidding is Important in Smart Automated Bidding

You must have heard about Smart Automated Bidding. It is a very important system in the future of automated Google Ads.

You may be thinking, “I’m already using Smart Bidding. What should I do next?
I’d like to talk about “value-based bidding,” which is important for making smart automated bidding more effective.

With the increasing automation of Google ads, the more data that machine learning gives to bidding will be the most important advantage in your Internet advertising strategy.

However, not all users provide the same value for the same ad.

Some users will find high value in the same ad, while others will pay little or no attention to it.

Therefore, it is important to understand which users perceive high value for your business, and then bid and optimize for those users.

Value-based bidding increases ROI by bringing value to smart bidding and maximizing conversion rates.


・What Is The Right Data Sharing?

This value-based bidding starts with giving first-party data.
By providing critical information to the machine learning bidding model, it predicts the differentiated customer value in the auction.
With value-based bidding, you can optimize the number of clicks and costs as well as the number of acquisitions to drive more business impact.

And it is important to give each data the correct value data.
Make sure to give the most accurate value for the conversion action.

In addition, micro and macro conversion tracking will help you understand every step of the customer journey. Knowing this will help you determine where users are leaving and what will lead to valuable conversions.


・Value-Based Bidding Will Grow Your Business

In other words, we let the machine learning bidding share conversion data that reflects the business objectives, and then we add value data to it to optimize value-based bidding.

Smart bidding can help increase growth and profitability. And value-based bidding is designed to help you find more valuable customers and optimize your business goals.

No matter what your business model is, value-based bidding will help your business.


Finally, there are two questions that all businesses should be aware of: “What are our business goals?” and “Are we prepared to achieve those goals?

For example, let’s say it’s “cheap moncler jackets”. By examining this keyword and optimizing it with a value-based smart bidding strategy, you can unlock growth and profitability for your business.

The framework presented here is designed to help you find more valuable customers and optimize for the business goals that really matter.

Once this phase is complete, your paid search advertising will become more relevant by understanding search demand and generating exceptional creative for social media, improving search query coverage, and unlocking search opportunities through further investment.

It’s also important to have tools like Optimization Score and Performance Planner at your disposal.




デジマール株式会社は、Google Partner、LINEヤフー Sales Partner、Amazon Varified partner、Hubspot パートナーです。SNS広告、DSPといったあらゆるデジタル広告媒体も取り扱い、クライアントの持続的な成長を支援しています。デジマールのシラバスは、明日のデジタルマーケティングを担う方々に必要な情報を提供しようと、実務を行う現場メンバーと編集チームとが一体となって運営しているメディアです。